Unit 1602/15 Austin Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000
Dosage of bird's nest for children under 1 year old.
Many people still wonder: "Can children under 1 year old eat bird's nest?", the answer is: For children under 1 year old, breast milk is the best source of food.
According to studies, bird's nest can be used for children under 1 year old. Because bird's nest is made from bird's saliva, it is rich in enzymes. Besides, bird's nest also has a glucoprotein structure that makes it easy for the body to absorb. Salanganes'Nest contains a lot of amino acids, essential microelements for the body. With the above factors, bird's nest is suitable for children under 1 year old. However, according to the advice of experts, you should only use bird's nest for babies when they have too little resistance, or minor illnesses, must take antibiotics, ...
If you let children under 1 year old use bird's nest, you should note the following: Only use bird's nest when the baby has poor resistance, or is sick, he or she takes antibiotics.
Children under 1 year old should only eat bird's nest when they have poor resistance, or are sick Dosage of bird's nest for children from 1 to 3 years old Children at this age can already use bird's nest, but you should give it a try first by grinding the oats and mixing it with milk for the baby to drink. Children using bird's nest regularly help strengthen immunity, the child's resistance is stronger, help fight respiratory diseases, sleep better.
Suitable dosage:
The first month: Use daily, every day ¼ cup.
Second month onwards: Use once every 2 days, ¼ cup per day.
Dosage of bird's nest for children from 3 to 10 years old Bird's nest helps strengthen the immune system, which is an important factor for children at this stage. The rich source of nutrients in bird's nest helps children prevent common colds, flu and some more serious diseases.
Suitable dosage:
The first month: Use daily, every day ½ cup.
Second month: Use once every 2 days, ½ cup per day.
The third month onwards: Use once every 3 days, ½ cup per day. Using bird's nest during pregnancy is not only good for the mother but also good for the fetus
Dosage of bird's nest for adults Adults who use bird's nest regularly help improve the performance of internal organs, regulate skin balance, and fight aging.
The first month: Use daily, 1 cup per day.
Second month: Use every 2 days, 1 cup per day.
The third month onwards: Use every 3 days, 1 cup per day.
Dosage of bird's nest for women from 30 to 35 years old
Women this age experience skin aging very quickly due to many reasons. Eating bird's nest regularly will prevent skin aging and quickly regenerate new skin cells. Eating bird's nest also helps women reduce stress, fatigue, and sleep better.
The first month: Use daily, 1 cup per day.
Second month: Same as first month
The third month onwards: Use every 2 days, 1 cup per day.
Dosage of bird's nest for pregnant women
Bird's nest is a very good energy supplement for both mother and fetus. Regular use of bird's nest helps to improve the health of both mother and child. Eating bird's nest also helps mothers recover faster after giving birth.
4th month pregnant: Use daily, 1 cup per day.
5th to 6th month pregnant after giving birth: Use 1 cup every 2 days, 1 cup per day.
From the 7th month postpartum onwards: Use every 3 days, 1 cup per day.
Elderly people should use bird's nest or ready-made bird's nest water
Dosage of bird's nest for the elderly
There are many trace elements in bird's nest that are very good for health promotion in the elderly. Bird's nest is high in iron and calcium. In addition, in bird's nest also contains elements good for memory and nervous system such as manganese, bromine, copper, zinc. In the saddle contains chromium, which helps stimulate digestion. Bird's nest helps the elderly enhance memory and sleep better.
The first month: Use daily, 1 cup per day.
Second month: Use every 2 days, 1 cup per day.
The third month onwards: Use every 3 days, 1 cup per day.
Dosage of bird's nest for patients
The nutritional content in bird's nest is very high. The two main ingredients in bird's nest are glyco and protein to help provide many nutrients for the body. Patients after surgery eat bird's nest to help recover faster.
The first month: Use daily, 1 cup per day.
Second month: Use every 2 days, 1 cup per day.
The third month onwards: Use every 3 days, 1 cup per day.
Notes when using bird's nest
There are many dishes made from bird's nest. But the bird's nest with alum sugar is the most effective and the simplest dish.
Should be used regularly with the above dosage. Sometimes using a lot is not as effective as using it regularly but in small amounts.
Fish stew